Self-Care is not selfish

If you're someone who has always said you don't have time for self-care, or that self-care seems selfish, you're not alone. So many people have these thoughts. Part of it could be cultural (hard work really makes the man) or religious (idle hands do the devils work, or being a people pleaser (putting others needs above your own) could be some of the reasons why people think self-care is selfish. But the truth is you can’t pour from an empty pitcher. If you don’t put your needs first and allow yourself to rest then you are doing yourself and those around you a disservice. Self-care is about taking care of your needs and replenishing your resources without taking from others. It's a way to restore your energy and promote your physical and emotional well-being, which can make you better able to handle life and show up for others.

You can’t be that support someone needs or the efficient employee your boss expects if you don’t take that personal time to refresh, regroup, reflect. Think of it as a time-out but instead of it being a punishment it is a reward. A reward for your mind, body, and soul. Self-care is not a one size fits all type of activity either. For every single individual it can look different. Self-care can be exercising, listening to music, going to the beach, dancing around the house in your underwear, car karaoke, taking your dog for a walk, enjoying a bubble bath, watching true crime documentaries, and probably about a billion other activities. Figure out what makes you feel the best; makes you feel revigorated; motivates you; makes you happy; and do that as often as possible. Prioritize self-care and you will notice a positive difference in your life whether that’s in your mood, emotions, or even your relationships. It is time to start putting yourself first and stop feeling guilty about it. Remind yourself of all the positive self-care can bring into your life when you feel that guilt trying to creep back in.


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